There are billions of investment and venture capital dollars swilling around all sorts of different startups who hope to make a buck by being clever with emissions data. Unfortunately confidentiality and propriety go along with that 🙁
I have finally managed to extract some info from Good Energy, but I haven't had a chance to investigate how useful it is to us yet. He has forgotten about Good Energy's own scope 1 & 2 footprints, but per kWh they may be insignificant
Our annual report talks about carbon savings at a portfolio level – page 31.
In terms of how that works at a kwh level:
Renewable electricity generation is designated zero carbon by the UK govt, so our electricity is 0g CO2 p/kwh. I would be wary of claims from other suppliers about the credentials behind their renewable electricity claims though – read this for more info.
The counterfactual grid carbon intensity saving is arrived at by using carbon intensity data provided by National Grid ESO, adjusted for the seasonality of our customers’ electricity usage.
Our gas product is 10% renewable biogas, and so for that figure, we deduct a 10% saving from the UK Government’s gas figure given in their Green House Gas Reporting Guidance for 2022. This comes out at 163.8g CO2 p/kwh. The remaining 90% is carbon offset but we don’t exclude these emissions when talking about it to customers. We believe we need to reduce our gas usage by electrifying energy use for heating and cooking.
This means a typical ‘dual fuel’ gas and electricity customer would save 675kg of CO2 per year, versus a customer using ‘grid average’ electricity and gas.
Kit Dixon
Senior Policy & Regulation Manager